Hi, I'm Nathaniel Robertson (usually I go by Nat) and I'm located in Walla Walla, WA, known for premium red wine and sweet onions. In a previous life, I dabbled with the local wine industry, getting an associates's degree from WWCC, doing several seasonal internships, and spending a few summers at a tasting room and being a wine tour driver.
Since then I have moved into the web industry. I spent four years at a WordPress based web agency the focused on public utility websites, Portland Web Design, doing customer and technical support as well as internal team support and many other technical tasks. I've learned about WordPress, server administration, Unix tools, and many other tidbits.
I am currently working as a Support Engineer at Kinsta, a web hosting company specializing in WordPress hosting and application hosting (deployment from GitHub, similar to Heroku).
I work with WP CLI, troubleshoot caching issues, do access log analysis, basic analysis of performance issues, and much more.
My other interests include: